Proof. We write, which gives us a telescoping sum,
Where the final step follows since the value of 1 for is still 1. (Maybe this could confuse since we are summing over the index , but the value is independent of . So, really, we are just counting… so for each in the index we add 1; thus, when we have the sum from to and add 1, it is the same as summing from to ). Thus, by induction, the statement is true for all
Proof. For , on the left we have 1 and on the right we have . Thus, the formula holds for the case .
Assume then that the formula is true for some . Then,
Hence, if the statement is true for , then it is true for . Since we have established that it is true for , we then have that it is true for all
Proof. For , we have 1 on the left, and on the right . Thus, the formula is true for .
Assume then that it is true for some . Then,
Thus, if the formula is true for then it is true for . Since we established it is true for , we have that it is true for all
Use mathematical induction to prove the following:
Hence, if the statement is true for , then it is true for . Thus, since we have shown it is true for , we have the statement is true for all
Hence, if the statement is true for , then it is true for . Thus, since we have shown it is true for , we have the statement is true for all
Hence, if the statement is true for , then it is true for . Thus, since we have shown it is true for , we have the statement is true for all
Taking the left inequality first, we have
Thus, if the inequality on the left is true for then it is true for . Since we have shown it is true for , we have that it is true for all .
Now, for the inequality on the right
Thus, if the inequality on the right is true for , it is also true for . Hence, since we have established that it is true for , we have that it is true for all