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Prove that different functions may have the same average

Let f be a continuous, strictly monotonic function on \mathbb{R}_{>0} with inverse g, and let a_1 < a_2 < \cdots < a_n be given positive real numbers. Then define,

    \[ M_f = g \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) \right). \]

This M_f is called the mean of a_1, \ldots, a_n with respect to f. (When f(x) = x^p for p \neq 0, this coincides with the pth power mean from this exercise).

Show that if h(x) = af(x) + b with a \neq 0, then M_h = M_f.

Proof. Let h(x) = af(x) + b with a \neq 0. Then, h has an inverse since it is strictly monotonic (since it is the composition of f and the linear function ax+b, both of which are strictly monotonic for a \neq 0). Its inverse is given by

    \[ h^{-1}(x) = f^{-1} \left( \frac{x-b}{a} \right). \]


    \begin{align*}  M_h &= h^{-1} \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n h(a_i) \right) \\  &= h^{-1} \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (af(a_i) + b) \right) \\  &= h^{-1} \left( \frac{a}{n} \left(\sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i)\right) + b \right)\\  &= f^{-1} \left(\frac{\frac{a}{n} \left(\sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i)\right) + b - b}{a} \right)\\  &= g \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) \right) \\  &= M_f. \qquad \blacksquare \end{align*}

Show the mean of a strictly monotonic function lies in an interval

Let f be a continuous, strictly monotonic function on \mathbb{R}_{>0} with inverse g, and let a_1 < a_2 < \cdots < a_n be given positive real numbers. Then define,

    \[ M_f = g \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) \right). \]

This M_f is called the mean of a_1, \ldots, a_n with respect to f. (When f(x) = x^p for p \neq 0, this coincides with the pth power mean from this exercise).

Show that

    \[ a_1 < M_f < a_n. \]

Proof. Since f is strictly monotonic on the positive real axis and a_1 < a_2 < \cdots < a_n are n positive reals, we know f is strictly increasing or strictly decreasing, and correspondingly we have,

    \[ f(a_1) < f(a_2) < \cdots < f(a_n) \qquad \text{or} \qquad f(a_1) > f(a_2) > \cdots > f(a_n). \]

First, assume f is striclty increasing, then

    \[ f(a_1) < \cdots < f(a_n) \quad \implies \quad \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_1) < \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) < \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_n). \]

Since f is strictly increasing so is its inverse g (by Apostol’s Theorem 3.10); thus, we have

    \begin{align*}  &g \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_1) \right) < g \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) \right) < g \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_n) \right) \\[8pt]  &\implies \quad g(f(a_1)) < M_f < g(f(a_n)) \\  &\implies \quad a_1 < M_f < a_n. \end{align*}

If f is strictly decreasing then

    \begin{align*}  & f(a_1) > \cdots > f(a_n) \\[8pt] \implies & \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_1) > \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) > \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \\[8pt] \implies & g\left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_1) \right) < g \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) \right) < g \left( \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_n) \right) \\[8pt] \intertext{(where the inequalities reverse since $f$ decreasing implies its inverse, $g$, is also decreasing)} \implies & a_1 < M_f < a_n. \qquad \blacksquare \end{align*}

Prove connection between power mean and arithmetic mean of a function

Let f be a continuous, strictly monotonic function on \mathbb{R}_{>0} with inverse g, and let a_1 < a_2 < \cdots < a_n be given positive real numbers. Then define,

    \[ M_f = g \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) \right). \]

This M_f is called the mean of a_1, \ldots, a_n with respect to f. (When f(x) = x^p for p \neq 0, this coincides with the pth power mean from this exercise).

Show that

    \[ f(M_f) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i). \]

Proof. Since g is the inverse of f we know f(g(x)) = x for all x in the range of f, i.e., for all x such that there is some c \in \mathbb{R}_{>0} such that f(c) = x.

By the definition of M_f then, we have that

    \[ f(M_f) = f \left( g \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) \right) \right). \]

So, if \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) is in the domain of g then we are done. Since g is the inverse of f it’s domain is equal to the range of f. We show that this value is in the range of f using the intermediate value theorem.

Without loss of generality, assume f is strictly increasing (the alternative assumption, that f is strictly decreasing will produce an almost identical argument). Then, since a_1 < a_2 < \cdots < a_n are all positive real numbers we have f(a_1) < f(a_2) < \cdots < f(a_n). (Here if we’d assumed that f was strictly decreasing the roles inequalities would be reversed.) Then we have,

    \[ f(a_1) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_1) < \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) < \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_n) = f(a_n). \]

Hence, by the intermediate value theorem, since

    \[ \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) \in [f(a_1), f(a_n)] \]

there must be some c \in \mathbb{R}_{>0} such that

    \[ f(c) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i).\]

Thus, \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) is in the domain of g, so

    \[ f(M_f) = f \left( g \left( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i) \right) \right) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f(a_i). \qquad \blacksquare\]

Prove the arithmetic mean – geometric mean inequality

We define the geometric mean G of real numbers x_1, \ldots, x_n by

    \[ G := (x_1 \cdot \cdots \cdot x_n)^{1/n}. \]

We also recall the definition of the pth power mean, M_p:

    \[ M_p = \left( \frac{x_1^p + \cdots + x_n^p}{n} \right)^{1/p}. \]

  1. Prove the arithmetic mean – geometric mean inequality, i.e., prove G \leq M_1 where M_1 is the pth power mean with p=1 (also known as the arithmetic mean).
  2. For integers p,q with q < 0 < p, prove that M_q < G < M_p if x_1, \ldots, x_n are not all equal.

  1. Proof. First, if x_1 = \cdots = x_n, then

        \[ G = (x_1 \cdot \cdots \cdot x_n)^{1/n} = (x_1^n)^{1/n} = x_1 \qquad \text{and} \qquad M_1 = \left( \frac{x_1 + \cdots + x_n}{n} \right) = \left( \frac{nx_1}{n} \right) = x_1. \]

    Hence, G = M_1 for the case x_1 = \cdots = x_n.
    Now, if x_1, \ldots, x_n are not all equal then first we write,

        \[ G^n = \left( (x_1 \cdot \cdots \cdot x_n)^{1/n}\right)^n = x_1 \cdot \cdots \cdot x_n. \]

    Then using the previous exercise, we proceed,

        \begin{align*}  &&\left( \frac{1}{G^n} \right) (x_1 \cdot \cdots \cdot x_n) &= 1 \\ \implies && \left( \frac{x_1}{G} \right) \left( \frac{x_2}{G} \right) \cdot \cdots \cdot \left( \frac{x_n}{G} \right) &= 1 \\ \implies && \frac{x_1}{G} + \frac{x_2}{G} + \cdots + \frac{x_n}{G} &> n & (\text{previous exercise})\\ \implies && x_1 + x_2 + \cdots + x_n &> n \cdot G \\ \implies && M_1 &> G. \end{align*}

    Therefore, if x_1, \ldots, x_n are not all equal then we have the strict inequality G < M_1, as requested. \qquad \blacksquare

  2. Proof. We’ll start with the inequality on the right first. So, we want to show G < M_p for any n positive real numbers x_1, \ldots, x_n not all equal, where p is a positive integer. First, we’ll want to observe that if x_1, \ldots, x_n are positive real numbers, not all equal, then x_1^p, \ldots, x_n^p are also positive real numbers, not all equal. So from the definition of M_p and letting M_p (x_1^p, \ldots,  x_n^p) denote the pth power mean of the numbers x_1^p, \ldots, x_n^p, we have

        \begin{align*}   M_1 (x_1^p, \ldots, x_n^p) &= \left( \frac{x_1^p + \cdots + x_n^p}{n} \right) \\ &= \left( \left( \frac{x_1^p + \cdots + x_n^p}{n} \right)^{1/p} \right)^p \\ &= (M_p(x_1, \ldots, x_n))^p. \end{align*}

    So, the observation is that (M_p (x_1, \ldots, x_n))^p = M_1(x_1^p, \ldots, x_n^p). Now, using part (a), we have,

        \begin{align*}  G(x_1, \ldots, x_n)^p &= (x_1 \cdots x_n)^{p/n}\\ &= (x_1^p \cdots x_n^p)^{1/n} \\ &= G(x_1^p, \ldots, x_n^p) \\ &< M_1 (x_1^p, \ldots, x_n^p) & (\text{part (a)})\\ &= (M_p (x_1, \ldots, x_n))^p. \end{align*}

    Hence, for any positive real numbers x_1, \ldots, x_n, not all equal we have (G(x_1, \ldots, x_n))^p < (M_p (x_1, \ldots, x_n))^p which implies (see this exercise) G < M_p. This gives us the inequality on the right.
    Now, for q a negative integer, we must show M_q < G. Since q < 0 we know that -q>0 and so G < M_{-q} from the inequality we just proved. So,

        \[ G^{-q} < (M_{-q})^{-q} \quad \implies \quad G^q > M_q^q \quad \implies \quad G > M_q. \]

    Where we have used the same exercise again, and the fact that G^{-q} = \frac{1}{G^q}. \qquad \blacksquare