Consider the vectors and in . Let denote the angle between and . Find the value of as .
If is the angle between and then we have
Computing each of these pieces we have
Hence, as which implies as .
Consider the vectors and in . Let denote the angle between and . Find the value of as .
If is the angle between and then we have
Computing each of these pieces we have
Hence, as which implies as .
Consider the vectors and in . Let denote the angle between and . Find the value of as .
If is the angle between and then we have
Therefore, as .
For each positive integer and and all real define
Prove that
Proof. First, we have
for all . Hence,
On the other hand,
For each positive integer define
Prove that the following limit and integral cannot be interchange:
Proof. First, we have
On the other hand,
The following function is defined for all , and is a positive integer. Prove or provide a counterexample to the following statement.
The convergence of the improper integral
Counterexample. The idea of the construction is a function which has rapidly diminishing area, but has a height that is not going to 0. (So, for an idea consider triangles on the real line all with height 1, but for which the base is becoming small rapidly.) To make this concrete, define
for each positive integer . Then for the improper integral we have
which we know converges. On the other hand
for all positive integers . Hence,
(since it does not exist). Hence, the statement is false.
(Note: For more on this see this question on Math.SE.)
The following function is defined for all , and is a positive integer. Prove or provide a counterexample to the following statement.
Assume exists for all and is bounded,
for some constant for all . Then,
The following function is defined for all , and is a positive integer. Prove or provide a counterexample to the following statement.
If is positive and if
The following function is defined for all , and is a positive integer. Prove or provide a counterexample to the following statement.
The following function is defined for all , and is a positive integer. Prove or provide a counterexample to the following statement.
If is monotonically decreasing and if
exists, then the improper integral