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Prove relationships between complements, unions and intersections for classes of sets

Prove that for a class of sets \mathcal{F} we have,

    \[  B \smallsetminus \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A = \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A) \qquad \text{and} \qquad B \smallsetminus \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A = \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A).  \]

Proof. Let x be an arbitrary element of B \smallsetminus \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A. This means that x \in B and x \notin \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A, which means that x is not in A for any A in the class \mathcal{F}. Hence, for every A \in \mathcal{F} we have x \in (B \smallsetminus A) (since x is in B no matter what, and x is not in A for any A that we choose, so it must be in B \smallsetminus A). But, x \in (B \smallsetminus A) for all A \in \mathcal{F} means that x is in the intersection \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A); and hence, B \smallsetminus \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A \subseteq \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A).
For the reverse inclusion, let x be any element in \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A). This means that x \in (B \smallsetminus A) for every A \in \mathcal{F}, i.e., x \in B and x \notin A for every A \in \mathcal{F}. Since x \notin A for every A, we then have x \notin \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}}. Hence, x \in B \smallsetminus \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}}. Therefore, \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A) \subseteq B \smallsetminus \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A.
Hence, B \smallsetminus \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A = \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A). ∎

Proof. Let x be any element of B \smallsetminus \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A. This means that x \in B and x \notin \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A. Further, x not in the intersection of the sets A \in \mathcal{F} means that there is at least one A \in \mathcal{F}, say A', such that x \notin A'. Since x \notin A' and x \in B, we know x \in (B \smallsetminus A'). Then we can conclude x \in \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A). Thus, B \smallsetminus \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} \subseteq \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A).
For the reverse inclusion, we let x be any element in \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A). This means there is at least one A \in \mathcal{F}, say A', such that x \in (B \smallsetminus A'), which means x \in B and x \notin A'. Since x \notin A', we know x \notin \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A; therefore, x \in B \smallsetminus \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A. Hence, \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A) \subseteq B \smallsetminus \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A.
Therefore, B \smallsetminus \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal{F}} A = \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal{F}} (B \smallsetminus A).

Prove that the complement of an intersection is the union of the complements

Prove that A \smallsetminus (B \cap C) = (A \smallsetminus B) \cup (A \smallsetminus C).

Proof. First, let x be any element in A \smallsetminus (B \cap C). By definition of complement, this means that x \in A and x \notin (B \cap C). Since x \notin (B \cap C) we have either x \notin B or x \notin C which implies, coupled with the fact that x is in A, means x \in (A \smallsetminus B) or x \in (A \smallsetminus C), respectively. Since x is in at least one of these, x is in the union (A \smallsetminus B) \cup (A \smallsetminus C). Therefore, A \smallsetminus (B \cap C) \subseteq (A \smallsetminus B) \cup (A \smallsetminus C).
For the reverse inclusion, let x be an arbitrary element of (A \smallsetminus B) \cup (A \smallsetminus C). Then, either x \in (A \smallsetminus B) or x \in (A \smallsetminus C).
If x \in (A \smallsetminus B), then x \in A and x \notin B; hence, x \notin (B \cap C). Therefore, x is in A \smallsetminus (B \cap C). On the other hand, if x \in (A \smallsetminus C), then x \in A and X \notin C; hence, x \notin (B \cap C). This again implies x is in A \smallsetminus (B \cap C). Therefore, (A \smallsetminus B) \cup (A \smallsetminus C) \subseteq A \smallsetminus (B \cap C).
Hence, A \smallsetminus (B \cap C) = (A \smallsetminus B) \cup (A \smallsetminus C).∎

Yet more proofs on intersections and unions of sets

Prove that A \cup (A \cap B) = A and A \cap (A \cup B) = A.

Proof. First, it is clear that A \subseteq A \cup (A \cap B) (see Exercise 12 of Section I.2.5, or simply note that x \in A implies x \in A \cup (A \cap B) since x is in A).
For the reverse inclusion, if x is any element of A \cup (A \cap B) then x \in A or x \in (A \cap B). But x \in A \cap B implies x \in A (and x \in B). So, in either case x \in A; hence, A \cup (A \cap B) \subseteq A.
Therefore, A \cup (A \cap B) = A.∎

Proof. From Exericse 12 (Section I.2.5) we know that A \cap C \subseteq A for any set C; hence, A \cap (A \cup B) \subseteq A.
For the reverse inclusion, if x is any element in A, then x \in A and x \in A \cup B; hence, x \in A \cap (A \cup B). Therefore, A \cap (A \cup B) \subseteq A.
Hence, A \cap (A \cup B) = A.∎

Union and intersection of a set with the empty set

Prove that A \cup \varnothing = A and that A \cap \varnothing = \varnothing.

Proof. If x \in A \cup \varnothing, then x \in A or x \in \varnothing by definition of union. Since x \notin \varnothing (by definition of \varnothing), we must have x \in A. Hence, A \cup \varnothing \subseteq A.
On the other hand, if x \in A, then x \in A \cup \varnothing by definition of union, so A \subseteq A \cup \varnothing.
Therefore, A \cup \varnothing = A.∎

Proof. If x \in A \cap \varnothing, then by definition of intersection x \in A and x \in \varnothing. But, by definition of \varnothing, there is no x such that x \in \varnothing. Hence, A \cap \varnothing must be empty. By uniqueness of the empty set then, we have A \cap \varnothing = \varnothing.∎

Prove distributive laws for unions and intersections of sets

Prove that A \cap (B \cup C) = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C) and A \cup (B \cap C) = (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C).

Proof (A \cap (B \cup C) = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C)). Let x be an arbitrary element of A \cap (B \cup C). This means that x \in A and x \in (B \cup C). Further, since x \in (B \cup C) we know x \in B or x \in C. But then, this implies x \in (A \cap B) or x \in (A \cap C) depending on whether x \in B or x \in C, respectively. Then, since x \in (A \cap B) or x \in (A \cap C), we have x \in (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C). Thus, A \cap (B \cup C) \subseteq (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C).
For the opposite inclusion, we let x be an arbitrary element of (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C). This means that x \in (A \cap B) or x \in (A \cap C). If x \in (A \cap B) then x \in A and x \in B, while if x \in (A \cap C) we have x \in A and x \in C. Thus, we have x \in A no matter what, and either x \in B or x \in C. Since x \in B or x \in C, we know x \in (B \cup C). Since we already had that x \in A no matter what, we now have x \in A \cap (B \cup C). Therefore, (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C) \subseteq A \cap (B \cup C).
Hence, A \cap (B \cup C) = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C).∎

Proof (A \cup (B \cap C) = (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C)). Let x be an arbitrary element of A \cup (B \cap C). This means x \in A or x \in (B \cap C). If x \in A then x \in A \cup B and x \in A \cup C. Hence, x \in (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C). Otherwise, if x \in (B \cap C) then x \in B and c \in C. Hence, x \in A \cup B and x \in A \cup C; therefore, x \in (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C). Therefore, A \cup (B \cap C) \subseteq (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C).
For the reverse inclusion, let x be an arbitrary element of (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C). This means x \in (A \cup B) and x \in (A \cup C). This implies that x \in A or x \in B and x \in C (since if x \notin A then the fact that x \in A \cup B and x \in A \cup C means x must be in both B and C). If x \in A, then x \in A \cup (B \cap C). On the other hand, if x \in B and x \in C, then x \in B \cap C. Hence, x \in A \cup (B \cap C). Therefore, (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C) \subseteq A \cup (B \cap C).
Therefore, A \cup (B \cap C) = (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C).∎

Prove the associative laws for union and intersections of sets

Prove that A \cup (B \cup C) = (A \cup B) \cup C and that A \cap (B \cap C) = (A \cap B) \cap C.

Proof (Associativity of unions). First, let x be any element in A \cup (B \cup C). This means that x \in A or x \in (B \cup C). If x \in A then x \in (A \cup B); hence, x \in (A \cup B) \cup C. On the other hand, if x \notin A, then x \in (B \cup C). This means x \in B or x \in C. If x\in B, then x \in (A \cup B) \implies x \in (A \cup B) \cup C. If x \in C, then x \in (A \cup B) \cup C. Hence, A \cup (B \cup C) \subseteq (A \cup B) \cup C.
For the reverse inclusion, let x be any element of (A \cup B) \cup C. Then, x \in (A \cup B) or x \in C. If x \in (A \cup B), we know x \in A or x \in B. If x \in A, then x \in A \cup (B \cup C). If x \in B, then x \in (B \cup C); hence, x \in A \cup (B \cup C). On the other hand, if x \in C, then x \in (B \cup C), and so, x \in A \cup (B \cup C). Therefore, (A \cup B) \cup C \subseteq A \cup (B \cup C).
Thus, A \cup (B \cup C) = (A \cup B) \cup C.∎

Proof (Associativity of intersections). To expedite matters, will prove both inclusions at once: x is in A \cap (B \cap C) if and only if x \in A and x \in (B \cap C), further, x \in (B \cap C) if and only if x \in B and x \in C. Similarly, x \in (A \cap B) \cap C if and only if x \in A and x \in B and x \in C. Thus, A \cap (B \cap C) and (A \cap B) \cap C have exactly the same elements (since x \in A \cap (B \cap C) if and only if x \in A and x \in B and x \in C if and only if x \in (A \cap B) \cap C).
Thus, A \cap (B \cap C) = (A \cap B) \cap C.∎

Prove the commutative laws of union and intersection

Prove A \cup B  = B \cup A and A \cap B = B \cap A.

Proof (A \cup B = B \cup A). If x is any element in A \cup B then, by definition of union, we have x \in A or x \in B. But, if x is in A or B, then it is in B or A, and by definition of union, this means x \in B \cup A. Therefore, A \cup B \subseteq B \cup A.
The other inclusion is identical: if x is any element of B \cup A, then we know x \in B or x \in A. But, x \in B or x \in A implies that x is in A or B; and hence, x \in A \cup B. Therefore, B\ \cup A \subseteq A \cup B.
Hence, A \cup B = B \cup A.∎

Proof (A \cap B = B \cap A). If x is any element in A \cap B, then we know by definition of intersection that x \in A and x \in B. Hence, x \in B and x \in A, and so, x \in B \cap A. Therefore, A \cap B \subseteq B \cap A.
The reverse inclusion is again identical: if x is any element of B \cap A, then we know x \in B and x \in A. Hence, x \in A and x \in B. This implies x \in A \cap B. Hence, B \cap A \subseteq A \cap B.
So, A \cap B = B \cap A.∎