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Find the depth of water in a leaky tank as time goes to infinity

Consider a water tank with vertical sides and with cross-section a square of area 4 feet. Water exits the tank through a hole which as area equal to \frac{5}{3} square inches, and water is added to the tank at a rate of 100 cubic inches per second. Show that the water level approaches the value of \left( \frac{25}{24} \right)^2 feet above the hole no matter what the initial water level was.


Find a function whose graph has given properties

Let f(x) be a function on the interval [0,1] that is nonnegative and differentiable, and such that f(1) = 0. If for each a in the open interval (0,1) the line given by the equation x = a divides the ordinate set of f(x) into regions A and B where A denotes the leftmost region. If the areas of the two regions obey the equation

    \[ A - B = 2f(a) + 3a + b, \]

where b is a constant that does not depend on a, find f(x) and b.


Find a function whose ordinate set generates a solid of revolution with volume x2 f(x)

Let f(x) be a nonnegative, differentiable function whose graph passes through both points (0,0) and \left( 1, \frac{2}{\pi}\right). For every real number x > 0, the ordinate set of f on the interval [0,x] generates a solid of revolution when rotated about the x-axis whose volume is given by

    \[ x^2 f(x). \]

Find the formula for the function f(x).


Find a function which divides a rectangle into pieces with given properties

Consider a curve whose Cartesian equation is given by y = f(x), and which passes through the origin. A rectangular region is drawn with one corner at the origin, and the other corner on the curve of the graph of f(x). The curve f(x) then divides the rectangle into two pieces A and B. These two pieces of the rectangle then generate solids of revolution when rotated about the x-axis. If the volume of one solid of revolution is always n times the volume of the other solid of revolution, find the equation for f(x).


Find a function which divides a rectangle into pieces with given properties

Consider a curve whose Cartesian equation is given by y = f(x), and which passes through the origin. A rectangular region is drawn with one corner at the origin, and the other corner on the curve of the graph of f(x). The curve f(x) then divides the rectangle into two pieces A and B such that one of the regions has area n times the area of the other for every such rectangle. Find the equation of f(x).


Find a Cartesian equation for the pursuit path for given parameters

Let Q be a point which moves upward along the positive y-axis and let P be a point which starts at (1,0) and pursues Q according to an equation which stipulates that the distance from P to the y-axis is exactly \frac{1}{k} times the distance from Q to the origin for k a positive number. Find the Cartesian equation for the path of pursuit the point P traces out.
