Let and let for . Prove
Proof. First,
for all . We then apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the numbers and . So, Cauchy-Schwarz gives us,
Let and let for . Prove
for all . We then apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the numbers and . So, Cauchy-Schwarz gives us,
We recall the definition of the th power mean .
For , and with , we define the th power-mean as:
Now, for , prove for not all equal.
with equality if and only if there is some such that for all . Letting and we have
This inequality is strict since if equality held there would exist some such that for all , but this would imply for all , contradicting our assumption that the are not all equal. Since (see here), this implies
Recall the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,
For arbitrary real numbers and we have
The claim is then that the equality sign holds if and only if there is a real number such that for each .
Then, considering the equation and defining,
We have,
But, since we know (by assumption), we have which is in (since since for at least one and each term in nonnegative, so the sum is strictly positive).
() Assume there exists such that for each . Then, . So,