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Status Update – Summer 2016

Hi everyone. I thought I’d post a status update on the blog. Those of you who have been in touch know that my plan was to finish Apostol, Volume I on June 23. Since that has come and gone, and I’m still not finished, it looks like I’m falling behind schedule. There are still about 100 problems to do in Chapter 14, and I would like to clean up problems that I left incomplete in Chapters 8 and 13. My plan also included starting in on solving all of the problems in Hoffman & Kunze, which is getting delayed also.

Sadly, I don’t think I have time this summer to put into solving problems. I’ll be a first year grad student in the fall and have prelim exams that I would like to pass in August. Tentatively, my new plan is to finish up Apostol, and clean up the incomplete problems by the end of August, and then start in on Hoffman & Kunze (Linear Algebra) on September 1. I’ll probably also reduce the rate of problems from 150 or so per month to 60 per month. I think that’s a pace I can maintain (hopefully).

Anyway, sorry for not responding to comments and for falling behind. I suspect that this will be the new normal though, since I foresee being quite busy for the next two years. Feel free to keep leaving comments, and I’ll try to respond. Of course, if you see questions/comments from other users that you can answer, then feel free to chime in.

Sorry for being so slow! I’ll at least try to keep making forward progress.

Subscriptions to Stumbling Robot are working!

Hi everyone. This is the first meta-post since the start of the blog on June 20, 2015 (during which time there have been 1,352 solutions). This is just to let everyone know that (I think) the subscriptions to the blog and to comments are functioning. If you subscribe to the blog you’ll get occasional meta-posts emailed to you which should go out when I finish a textbook, start a new textbook, am looking for feedback, or some other substantial blog event happens.

The comment subscriptions should also be working now, so there’s a little checkbox when you leave a comment asking if you want to subscribe to comments on the post. This should send you an email if anyone adds a new comment on the post you’ve subscribed to or responds to a comment you have left.

Hopefully all of this is working properly. Send me an email (brighterfaster via the canonical gmail) if anything blows up. You can also send me an email using the contact form.
