Let and be two lines in which are not parallel. Prove that the intersection is either empty or contains exactly one point.
Proof. Since and are not parallel we know . Now, suppose there exist two distinct points . This means there exist real numbers such that
Since are distinct points we also know and . Then we have
But then
for some . Thus, the lines are parallel, contradicting our assumption that the lines are not parallel. Hence, the intersection contains at most one point
Let X be the point of intersection of the two lines.
X=P+tA = Q+sB
Where t, s are scalars
P-Q=(-t) A + sB
Since A and B are not parallel, A != cB
For some scalar c, so they are linearly independent. So there exists only one way to get P-Q
So only one point.
Sorry if it is wrong.
Your solutions have helped me a lot.