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Subscriptions to Stumbling Robot are working!

Hi everyone. This is the first meta-post since the start of the blog on June 20, 2015 (during which time there have been 1,352 solutions). This is just to let everyone know that (I think) the subscriptions to the blog and to comments are functioning. If you subscribe to the blog you’ll get occasional meta-posts emailed to you which should go out when I finish a textbook, start a new textbook, am looking for feedback, or some other substantial blog event happens.

The comment subscriptions should also be working now, so there’s a little checkbox when you leave a comment asking if you want to subscribe to comments on the post. This should send you an email if anyone adds a new comment on the post you’ve subscribed to or responds to a comment you have left.

Hopefully all of this is working properly. Send me an email (brighterfaster via the canonical gmail) if anything blows up. You can also send me an email using the contact form.


Point out an error, ask a question, offer an alternative solution (to use Latex type [latexpage] at the top of your comment):