Use a change of variables to convert the following differential equation into a linear differential equation, and then solve the equation:
Use a change of variables to convert the following differential equation into a linear differential equation, and then solve the equation:
bernoulli :)
Yes indeed, Mr. Tom. Now, for those of you who don’t get the reference, earlier in this chapter, we were introduced to a form of the linear differential equation called the “Bernoulli Equation”, where we could transform a nonlinear first order equation into a linear first order equation for a new, unknown function. For further reading, see section 8.5 exercise #13, RoRi posted the solution here:
Now, onto our current exercise. We have the implicit first order equation
Which we can re-write as follows
And following from the proof in exercise 8.5 #13, we define a new function v such that:
The equation
Which is a linear first order equation. From Theorem 8.3, the solution to the above equation, v = g(x), with g(a) = b is as follows:
Giving us:
For x>0, as presented in the back of the book.
Now, for a solution for all x, we take the linear equation in v
And we see that the equation can be satisfied by a first degree polynomial
The case for all x is easier to get from your solution for x > 0: we note that the term with the constant Cx^{-1/2} requires strictly positive x. However, if we want to use all x, we have to set the constant C = 0, so the solution for x > 0 becomes the general solution for all x.