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Find constants so that ex satisfies a given integral equation

Find values for the constants a and b such that the following equation is true:

    \[ e^x = b + \int_a^x e^t \, dt. \]

To find values of the constants we evaluate the integral,

    \[ \int_a^x e^t \, dt = e^t \Big \rvert_a^x = e^x - e^a. \]

Therefore, we need to find constants such that

    \begin{align*}  &&e^x &= b + \int_a^x e^t \, dt \\  \implies &&e^x &= b + e^x - e^a \\  \implies && b &= e^a. \end{align*}

Therefore, we can choose any value for a and then set b = e^a and this pair will make the equation true for all x.

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