Let be an integralable function on
, and let
be periodic with period
. Prove
for all .
Proof. For any with
we know from a previous exercise that there exists a unique
such that
Then, we start by splitting the integral into two pieces. (The goal here is to rearrange the integral so that it starts at and ends at
, and then use the fact that
is periodic to conclude that this integral is the same as the one from 0 to
This completes the proof
Do we have to assume that
exists for all
It’s stated in the exercise title…
Alt sol:
Hi Jamie, Nice solution. I did it similarly to RoRi but this is a very elegant approach.
Hi jamiehlusko,
I think your solution is wrong because you don’t know if a0 so you are not allowed to use the translation property of integrals.
I checked the book now and you are right.
How do you know the integral exists on [0, a]?
I guess it is because it exists for [0, p] and since it is periodic with period p it exists for all real values. The function just repeats itself and thus the area following p is congruent to the area following 0.
It seems that the proof is assuming what Vivek Suraiya wrote. For a complete proof it would be nice to see a proof of that too.
Namely, theorem 1.17 assumes existance of 2 intervals out the 3 (and its proof in the book too). Therefore, it seems that the proof here cannot simply rely on it, because it relaxes that and assumes what Vivek Suraiya wrote.