Proof. The proof is by induction. If then on the left we have
On the right,
So, indeed, the formula holds for the case .
Assume then that the formula is true for some . Then,
Thus, the formula holds for ; and thus, for all
Proof. The proof is by induction. If then on the left we have
On the right,
So, indeed, the formula holds for the case .
Assume then that the formula is true for some . Then,
Thus, the formula holds for ; and thus, for all
There may be a mistake. The general rule in the answers to exercises in Apostol is n/(n+1).
You can also do this with a telescoping sum, since k/(k+1) – (k-1)/k = 1/(k(k+1)).
Buenos dias, quisiera saber porque al hacer la suma de fraccionarios, da n+2-1 y no n+2+1, ya que es una suma de fraccionarios y no una resta, gracias.