Prove that if we are given a line of length 1, then we can construct a line of length for all .
Proof. First, given a line of length 1 we can construct a line of length by taking the hypotenuse of the right triangle with legs of length 1 (which we can construct with our unit length line).
Now, assume we have a line of length 1 and a line of length for some integer . Then, we can form a right triangle with legs of length 1 and length . The hypotenuse of this triangle is . Hence, if we can construct a line of length , then we can construct a line of length . Since we can construct a line of length in the base case, then we can construct a line of length for all integers
The orignal question in the book mentioned straightedge and compass but the given answer doesn’t use compass though this one does
I don’t understand why such a question was in the book.